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Thank you for purchasing Wilmette Hockey Summer Camp.

Now, please complete your schedule.

If you purchased the 4/3 PROGRAM– choose 4 sessions within “one box”
— the same date, time and coach. Then choose 3 sessions within the same age group at a different date and time.

If you purchased the 5/2 PROGRAM– choose 5 sessions within “one box”
— the same date, time and coach. Then choose 2 sessions within the same age group at a different date and time.

If you purchased the 6/1 PROGRAM– choose 6 sessions within “one box”
— the same date, time and coach. Then choose 1 sessions within the same age group at a different date and time.

If you purchased the 7/0 PROGRAM– choose 7 sessions within “one box”– the same date, time and coach.

After submission, corrections will require at $15 service charge. Please visit the XXX and purchase a “schedule correction” ticket to adjust your schedule.