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Upon your submission, we will send you the zoom link and access and instructions for your event.

Waiver, Zoom Huddle and Gameshow Event Release

    I, personally and on behalf of my child(ren) and spouse, hereby give Pro Sports Experience and the NFL Alumni Association, or any affiliate, permission to use my, my spouses and/or my child(ren)'s name, photograph, video images, quotations, spoken words and likeness in any advertisements, videos, recordings or promotions performed in connection with the Zoom events, including but not limited to the Zoom Huddle, the Family Football Gameshow , the Youth Football Gameshow and Football 101. Pro Sports Experience / NFL Alumni Youth Football Camps may use submitted email addresses, phone numbers or other information for additional marketing purposes from which the participating parent may unsubscribe immediately upon receipt. I agree that neither I, my spouse, nor my child(ren) shall be entitled to any compensation for such use. By entering name and date and clicking SUBMIT button below I certify that I have 1) read the "Video/Photograph Release Agreement”, 2) that I am the custodial parent and/or the spouse and/or the legal guardian(s) of the person(s) designated as Participant(s) above, and 3) that I am over the age of eighteen (18) years of age. This action will constitute an electronic signature in lieu of an actual signature and evidences the parties’ mutual intent to enter into a valid and binding contract that will satisfy all applicable legal requirements.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY