All Camp Directors, Assistant Coaches, Student Instructors and Health Directors must complete this registration process.
All of the above are independent contractors for the camps.
You are not employees of any camp program.
To complete this contract, you will need the following items.
A. Your Drivers License
B. Your Insurance Cards
C. Your Calendar of Availability
D. Three References with Contact Information
Step 1:
Complete information Request Form
Upon completion please proceed to step #2, #3, #4 and #5
Step 2:
Print and Complete the Independent Contract Agreement
Download here then print and fax
(Two page Jpeg includes Sex Abuse Policy + Safety Controls)
Step 3:
Print and Complete the W9 Request for Taxpayer ID and Certification
Download here then print and fax
Step 4:
Make Copy of Driver’s License and All Insurance Cards.
Step 5:
(For New Jersey and Connecticut Camp Location Coaches Only)
Print and Complete the Health History Form
Step 6:
(For New York Camp Location Coaches Only)
Print and Complete the Disclosure and Release form and Correction Law Article 23
Download Disclosure/Release including Correction Law Article 23 here then print and fax
Send your completed independent contract agreement, W9, drivers license
and insurance card copies to the following address.
Pro Sports Experience
213 North Morgan, Suite 1A
Chicago, IL, 60607
Attention: Mike Gross
Or fax it to 312-226-5554.
Be sure to call us at 312-226-5553 to assure complete receipt.