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2025 Summer Camp Schedule Available! (Preliminary)

Tennessee NFL Alumni Youth Football Camps

Football: Fit for Kids ages 6-14

-Featuring NFL Alumni Tennessee Titans
-Community-based camp locations
-Powered by Pro Sports Experience Coaches
-Skills & High Reps for All Football Positions
-Daily Life Skills Lessons
-Featuring Skill Contests, Tournament Action & Prizes

Safe, non-contact football skills, life skills & fun.

Choose a Camp Below

2025 Summer Camp Schedule Available! (Preliminary)
More Camps to Be Added

Mount Juliet Christian Academy
735 N. Mt. Juliet Rd, Mt. Juliet TN

M-F, July 7-11
8:30am – 11:30am


After Camp Instruction is available at all locations.

It’s the Easiest Fundraiser Ever!
Hosted by an NFL Alumni Player from your favorite team.

You set the date, price and time.
We do the rest.

Hire us for your fundraiser today!
Click for Gameshow Info page

Sample Day:  8:30 am to 11:30 am

After Camp Skill Instruction is available at all camps.  

8:30 am  V5 Life Skills #1 of 5
8:40–Dynamic Warm Up
9:10–Individual Skills Offense
10:05–Skill Challenges
10:40–Small Space Games
or Team Competition
11:05–Hero Message of Day
11:15–Grand Skill Challenge
11:22–V5 Life Skill #2 of 5
11:28–Highlights & Awards
11:30 am–Final Whistle

AFTER CAMP SKILL INSTRUCTION is available at all camps.   


Coaches & NFL Alumni Heroes

COACHES: Professional, USA Football Certified coaches with High School, College or professional coaching backgrounds.

HEROES: Titans NFL Alumni Heroes provide supplemental instruction. These are former players, fathers and family men that played NFL Football and love teaching kids through football.

What You Need to Know

  • Non-contact football instruction for kids ages 6-14.
  • Led by professional, USA Football certified Coaches
  • NFL Alumni Heroes supplement instruction.
  • Student-to-instructor ratio is 10:1
  • Station-based training with for best results.
  • Kids divided by age and experience for “apples to apples” instruction.
  • Small Space Games so campers learn within a 2v2, to 4v4 platform.
  • The Vital 5 Life Skill Lessons integrated into camp daily.
  • Super Bowl Friday, Awards and Recognition.
  • For 5-day, half-day camps, bring a snack and sports-drink.
  • We serve only water and/or sports drinks at half-day camps.
  • Learn more at “What to Bring and Know” below.


The Pro Sports Experience Staff

Camps are led by professional, USA Football Certified Coaches. Our coaches develop athletic skill, build confidence and provide positive reinforcement. These outstanding educators are the foundation of our day-to-day operations and the key to our program quality.

Titans NFL Alumni Heroes are fathers and family men that understand the dynamics of communicating with young people.

Titans NFL Alumni Heroes provide supplemental instruction, typically on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the camp week.  Some of the following NFL Alumni Heroes will appear at various camp locations.

Blaine Bishop (Ball State): Safety – Tennessee Titans 1993-2001
Justin Geisinger (Vanderbilt): Offensive Lineman – Tennessee Titans 2006
Brad Hopkins (Illinois): Offensive Lineman – Tennessee Titans 1993-2005
Kevin Long (Florida State): Offensive Lineman – Tennessee Titans 1998-2001
Daniel Loper (Texas Tech): Offensive Lineman – Tennessee Titans 2005-2008
Donald Nickey (Ohio State): Safety – Tennessee Titans 2003-2011
Derrick Mason (Michigan State): Wide Receiver – Tennessee Titans 1997-2004
Ingle Martin (Furman): Quarterback – Tennessee Titans 2007-2008
Gerald McRath (Southern Mississippi): Linebacker – Tennessee Titans 2009-2012
Neil O’Donnell (Maryland): Quarterback – Tennessee Titans 1999-2003
Brett Ratliff (Utah): Quarterback – Tennessee Titans 2011
Chris Sanders (Ohio State): Wide Receiver – Tennessee Titans 1995-2002
Al Smith (Utah State, Cal Poly Pomona): Linebacker – Tennessee Titans 1987-1996

1) Choose Between:   A Five-Day, Full-Day Camp or Five-Day, Half-Day Camps Location.
You can only purchase a full-day camp at a full-day camp location.  You may not purchase half-day camp at full day location.

  • 5-Day, Half Day Camps available June and July, 8:30 am to 11:30 am.
  • 5-Day, Full Day Camps available June and July, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
  • Private or Small Group, Position-Specific Instruction, any time, any location

2) Enter Camp Program (automatically determined by your registration profile).

  • Rookies:   Ages 6-7
  • Comprehensive Skill Program: Ages 8 to 14 (sub-divided by age)
  • Accelerated Skills Program:   Ages 9 to 14 with 1 or more years of team experience.

3) Go into Overtime!   Choose an After Camp Experience (Optional) A) After-Camp Offensive Skills Instruction for Kids Ages 6 -11  

  • Further build QB, RB and WR skill base | Led by top Coach | Hero participation | Meet w/ Camp Director–set goals.
  • Small-group, high rep training | Runs Tues., Wed and Thurs of camp week | Runs for 1 hour after camp day ends

B) After-Camp Position Specific Instruction for Kids Ages 9 -14  

  • Led by top Coach | Hero participation | Meet w/ Camp Director–set goals | Tell us Position–we have the coach
  • Runs Tues., Wed and Thurs of camp week | Runs for 1 hour after camp day ends

C) Extended Supervision Bring peace of mind and some extra time to your camp experience with extended supervision. With “Extended Supervision” we provide safe care for your camper one hour before and one hour after the official camp operating hours.  Extended Supervision is not active camp programming or curriculum. It is simply safe supervision of your camper while you get your things done.

Safe, Non-Contact Football Instruction for Kids Ages 6 to 14 years old Basics

  • All programs led by professional, USA Football Certified coaches.
  • NFL Alumni Heroes from the Tennessee Titans or other NFL teams provide supplemental instruction.
  • Student-to-Instructor ratio is 10:1
  • Kids are divided by age and experience levels for “apples to apples” instruction.
  • We welcome “group with” requests and do our best to accommodate.
  • Our instruction platform is station-based training.

Instruction Philosophy All camps use a “station-based training” format to provide instruction. Groups rotate around the field—like a classroom–visiting each instruction station. At each station, the professional coach adapts the instruction to fit the group needs. Campers learn to run, throw, catch, defend, form block, form tackle and explode out of their stance with proper technique and improved speed. We run active camps so kids get multiple chances. With patience and encouragement, kids gain confidence and that’s what it’s all about.

Games, Energy and Excitement Drills are mixed with fun competitions, rewards, contests and personal challenges. Every camp day features game competition—either 5 vs. 5, 7 vs. 7 or small space games with a tournament platform. The entire camp is driven by team challenges and team building opportunities, culminating in Championship Friday and the final Awards and Recognition Ceremony. On a daily basis, campers are rewarded for demonstrating qualities that improve the overall camp environment. Those qualities include leadership, sportsmanship, hustle, effort, humility and positively influencing others.

Blocking and Tackling Within a safe, non-contact format and applying the USA Football Heads Up curriculum, we effectively train campers to block and tackle so they play better, safer football. On a daily basis, players will develop the right posture, footwork and approach to playing the contact game effectively. We build muscle memory, skill and understanding, so campers compete with confidence and make big plays.

Program Policy

Also… please see Pro Sports Experience Website Privacy Policy for information related to remote learning curriculum.

*Applies to field camps or clinics only .

WAIVER: A Release and Hold Harmless Agreement must be signed by a parent or guardian and submitted prior to the camp’s first day. The Release and Hold Harmless Agreement may be submitted electronically.

*IF YOUR CHILD REQUIRES MEDICINE: If your child requires medication, a Self Administration of Medication Form must be completed and submitted prior to the camp start.

*MEDICINE POLICY: Camp staff does not administer or store medicine on behalf of campers. The camper must be prepared and able to self administer any medicine needed. Some camp staff are trained in first aid and will take action in the event of an emergency.

*CHECK IN: A parent or guardian must accompany each camper to Monday check-in and pick up the camper at dismissal each camp day.

GENERAL POLICY: We reserve the right to suspend or terminate any student when it is deemed in the best interest of the camp or the student. In the interests of participant privacy, we regret that videotaping camp activities is not allowed.

The Camps are not a school sponsored program and your school district does not endorse this activity. Dates and locations are subject to change. Connecticut campers–see the Connecticut Policy Guideline on Abuse and Neglect Reporting


Each camp morning, parents must check participant’s temperature and also evaluate participant for any symptoms of illness. If a participant has a temperature of 99.7 or higher, or exhibits symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, difficulty breathing, or any other flu-like symptoms or symptoms associated with COVID-19, parent(s) must keep participant home from camp until the cessation of symptoms, as well as any government-required quarantine and/or isolation period has passed. These symptoms are subject to change should the CDC and/or other health authority revise them at any time.

Parents agree to immediately pick up the participant if participant exhibits any of the COVID-related symptoms from statements above while attending camp.

If the participant has been in contact with anyone who exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 or has COVID-19, parent(s) must email customer@prosportexperience.comor call 877-226-9919 to leave a voice mail as soon as practicable.

In order for the Camp to operate in a safe manner, there may be mask, social distancing and/or other requirements that participants will be asked to follow.

Parents acknowledge that the Camp will send a participant home if he/she exhibits symptoms of COVID-19; has come into contact with anyone who exhibits symptoms of COVID-19; currently has COVID-19; is subject to quarantine/isolation as a result of having had Covid-19; does not follow Camp rules regarding COVID-19; or if Parents or the participant made false, misleading, or incomplete statements when providing health-related information to the Camp.

Should local, state and/or national authorities deem camps ineligible to operate and/or place rules/restrictions upon camp operations that are too difficult or cumbersome to execute in a practical manner (as determined by the Camp operator’s interpretation of said rules/restrictions), parents acknowledge that camp days may be postponed, modified, rescheduled and/or cancelled. Camp operator reserves the right to determine whether to issue any credits and/or refunds as a result of such changes to the camp schedule.

REFUND POLICY: It’s a Strong Refund Policy. Here’s why. Preregistration determines the number of staff hired and campers guaranteed to the facility. We financially commit to coaches, heroes and facilities for the week and do not turn back. That’s why we need you to be sure you are committed to us. Therefore, in cases of cancellation before or on April 1, 2025, $95 will be retained. After April 1, 2025, in cases of cancellation, we will retain the full registration fee. Customers using payment plan codes agree that your payment is strictly a deposit and does not represent a fulfilled payment. All Camp Policies apply, including the refund policy. Payment plans may not be combined with other discount offers. Amendments to policies through promotions, such as “Early Birds” or “past loyal customers” will be honored as stated through the promotion.

CANCELLATION PROTECTION: Cancellation Protection is available for purchase during your camp registration procedure. You may purchase cancellation protection from your personal insurance agent or directly from Pro Sports Experience when you register, to offset some of the financial loss in the event you withdraw from camp on or after April 1, 2025. Cancellation Protection may only be purchased at the time of your original registration and may not be applied retroactively. Cancellation protection is non-refundable. With Cancellation Protection, in cases of cancellation on or before April 1, 2025, you will receive your money back less $95 dollars. Or, in lieu of a refund, you may request a Camp Credit equal to the full amount you paid for this year’s camp (less the Cancellation Protection Fee) which may be applied toward next year’s camp. With Cancellation Protection, you may cancel your camp registration after April 1, 2025, and receive a Camp Credit equal to the full amount you paid for this year’s camp (less the Cancellation Protection payment) to be used at any camp during the following camp year. Cancellations must be made more than 72 hours prior to the start of the camp and will be awarded as a Camp Credit equal to the value of your camp registration fee (less the Cancellation Protection Fee).

CAMP CREDITS: Camp Credits may be redeemed by the original registrant or any family member for camp registration during the following year only. Camp Credits have no cash value and expire at the end of the following camp year. Each camp registration requires purchase of its own Cancellation Protection policy.

UNATTENDED DAYS: There is no refund for unattended camp days. Unattended camp days cannot be transferred to future camps. Any camp days that an individual participant(s) misses as a result of the above Covid-19 policy are not subject to any credit and/or refund.

WEATHER RELATED ISSUES In the event of severe weather at full-day camps, we will move camp activities indoors. We reserve the right to cancel the entire camp day (or any portion of it which remains). In the event of severe weather at half-day camps, we will move into indoors or to a protective shelter. If the delay is prolonged we may choose to extend that day or any other day. We reserve the right to cancel the entire camp day (or any portion of it which remains).

EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES: No refund will be issued for camp days (or portions thereof) cancelled for any reason. The decision to cancel and/or modify a camp rests solely with the management, facility manager and head coaches. At certain locations in the event of severe weather, we may bus campers to an alternate indoor location. Should that become necessary, we will send an email to your registered email address with full details of the plan. Please check your emails frequently during camp operations.

*HEALTH HISTORY FORM: Campers attending a New Jersey or Connecticut camp location must complete and submit a Health History Form prior to the camp start. These must be completed as paper documents.

YOUR CAMP LOCATION, DATE AND TIMES:  Check your email confirmation and/or view the camp schedule here.

FIRST DAY, MORNING CHECK IN TIMES:   Check-in opens 45 minutes prior to the camp time.   This is a one time process, occurring only on the first day of camp. A parent, guardian or authorized adult must walk the camper through the First Day, Morning check-in process.

DROP OFF TUES-FRI:  Campers may join us as early as 15 minutes prior to camp start, unless you have purchased extended supervision. See below for extended supervision details.

PICK UP TIMES AND REQUIREMENTS:  Pick-up occurs immediately upon the conclusion of the camp day–see the camp schedule for your specific times.   A parent, guardian or authorized adult is required to pick up the camper at dismissal of each day. Due to additional commitments for our coaches, parents must be prompt for pick up. We can cover up to 15 minutes after the camp day ends, but it is prohibitive for coaches to remain any longer. If you cannot arrange for pick-up within 15 minutes of the camp day conclusion, please arrange for extended supervision.   See below for extended supervision details.  Check with your Camp Director regarding unique pick up and release logistics.

EXCEPTIONS FOR PICK UP TIMES:  If you have registered for “After Camp Offensive Skills,” “After Camp Position-Specific Instruction” or “Extended Supervision,” your pick up times will change.

AFTER-CAMP INSTRUCTION:  If you registered for a Half-Day Camp and added “After Camp” Offensive Skills or Position-Specific Instruction, your Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday pick up time is extended by one hour.

EXTENDED SUPERVISION:  If you feel you must drop your child off more than 15 minutes prior to camp start or pick your child up later than 15 minutes after camp, please register for extended supervision.   Call 877-226-9919 for arrangements.


    Please see your confirmation email for your General Release and Waiver.  All participants must submit a completed waiver in order to participate.
  1. SELF MEDICATION WAIVER FORM: (IF APPLICABLE):  If your child brings medication(s) to camp, please bring a completed Self Medication Permission Form. This form is mandatory and must be submitted upon your first day arrival at camp.   If needed, please click here for the Self Medication Waiver.
  1. Lunch + Drink(s) for Full Day Camp; Snack + Drinks for Half Day Camps:  Note about peanut products: A number of children with nut/peanut allergies are attending our camps. To further assist these campers, we are asking that you refrain from packing nut/ peanut products in your child’s lunch. We will have designated nut/peanut-free tables at which these campers may eat their lunch.
  1. Refillable water bottle filled (with name on it)
  2. Tennis Shoes (mandatory for Full-Day Camps)
  3. Cleats (Optional but highly recommended)
  4. Sun Screen (Mandatory–apply in am prior to camp and re-apply after lunch)
  5. Windbreaker (for rain)
  6. A Towel (for rain)
  7. A Gym Bag
  8. A great attitude–be excited for camp! We certainly can’t wait to play some football!